
Monday, 26 January 2015

I did a thing...

For the first time in a very long time, I pirated a couple of albums. I do NOT agree with doing so, and I take great pride in saying I own 90% of my vast collection of albums.

Today I am going to talk about two albums that bookend my hospital fun. Minus the Bear released Infinity Overhead in August, 20012 and Lost Loves over 2 years later in October 2014. They are both very good albums, but really very different.

Infinity Overhead is very electronic, compared to the more jazz oriented Menos El Oso. Listing is not only one of my favourite songs of all time, but it has one of the best videos I have ever seen. What is fantastic, to me, is how everything is mixed and recorded in the highest quality possible. Nothing feels like it is not supossed to be a focus for your attention. Do you like to listen to drums? SUPER CLEAN! Bass? CLEAR AS DAY. It is fantastic. The album does suffer from the Omni issue, though. Occasionally, the members of the band remind you that they are getting old, and they are a pop band. The occasion disco-esque track penetrates the dreamscape that this album creates. It can be a bit jarring.

One thing can be said about Lost Loves right away: THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE RECORDING QUALITY? At first, I just assumed I got a bad seed and should just stop bitching. Everything I have listened to and read agrees, however, that the recording quality took an awkward dive for this recording. It almost feels like the songs are radiating from another room. The songs, however, are fantastic. I tend to get worried or suspicious of bands that have been around this long. I wonder if they can still pull it off. I wonder if they can keep their edge. Minus The Bear has proven themselves again. I still would not put this album in the top 3 by this band, and it certainly will not touch my top fifty recordings, but it is a VERY good time. I do recommend this album highly.

I'll talk more about things I actually hold in super high regards soon. I might do another bomb, you know, because I am a dick.

(Edited by Katie Maz.)

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