
Friday, 23 January 2015

Buried Inside :: Chronoclast: Selected Essays On Time Reckoning and Auto-Cannibalsm

Well, THAT is a title to be trifled with. I heard Time as Ideology on a mix when I was in high school. If I'm not mistaken; grade eleven. It was a Relapse Records compilation that had everything from Dillinger Escape Plan to A Life Once Lost on it. It is not too often that I look fondly at the metal that got me introduced to everything, but I hold great exception with this album. The drummer is a beast. His hands move fast, much faster than I could even muster at my best. The blast beets, the rolls, the general feel of the rhythm that is exacting.

Overall, this album is by far the most oppressive and brutal albums I have ever heard. The bass is used almost like a bomb and the guitars feel incredibly calculated. The album may be mixed so that there is a general balance that may be the same through and through, but the uniform wall of sound adds to the crushing flow.

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