I was born in London, Ontario in mid November, 1988. My parents have always pushed me to express myself creatively through music, writing and even visual art. Since I can not draw, I really emphasized the other two. I graduated from high school back in 2006 after just scraping by my last year. I have broken my left leg once, received stitches on my chin twice, and had face surgery in early 2006. I showed up to Conestoga College just long enough to be out $2000, but not enough to do much more. I have played in 2 "professional" bands and I don't remember a time when I didn't drum. I am also kind of trained in guitar and can figure out about 7 other instruments that I had taken a liking to at one time. I am a manager at a music store, of which I have been an employee at since 2006.
My father is a drummer who has a background in mostly 1970's prog-rock and jazz. His "practice, practice, practice" motivational speeches do get ignored most days, but they are appreciated. Don't let him know. It may hurt his feelings. My dad is completely to blame for my appreciation for music with abstract musical concepts, math and video games.
My mother is a true academic, though she would disagree with the very description. She is very responsible for my taste in metal, industrial music and 80's pop. She is also the one person who will sit with me while I play video games. I think she actually enjoys them more than I do.
My brother, who was born in the year 1990, is an antisocial version of myself. He also happens to be way more intelligent than I (though he can't spell) and far more artistic (though you'll never see anything). You can usually find him either without a shirt, or in a buttoned collared shirt. For everyone one video game I complete, he has libraries. For everything I learned that day, he has learned last week and in MUCH further detail. He is the one who has shown me Minecraft, the Elder Scrolls series, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, and so many other games that I truly love today. At least I can still say that I'm older.
Luke/a Kelly is one of the few people I will source a million times over. She is the person I have known the most consistently over the last ten years and is one of the few people I would seriously harm myself to rescue and NOT look up later thinking about how stupid that was. She runs her fashion company, Hellhound, out of her room in her house in Toronto. It has a backyard where her dog likes to be. Luka is also the first person ever to remind me that my music taste sucks, that I'm a horrible person, that I'm NOT a horrible person, and that my music taste sucks worse than my movie taste which sucks. For all these reasons and many more, she remains to keep the excellent human being award of excellence. Or at least so in my books. Seriously, look at her blog. Her HTML skills are fucked. ALSO: I do not feel at all lame for saying all of these things and she will make fun of me for it. So, as an early response to Luke/a, Fuck you and accept it. Bitch.
p.s. I met her as Luke. She now goes by Luka. Thus the Luke/a.
There are many more people who influence my life on a daily basis and even more people on a monthly (due to life being life-like). I will probably never add too much to this page unless someone has changed everything about the way I am. In that case and that case alone, I will add a name.
My twitter is on the side next to my google+. Facebook will be supplied if you need me as a friend. E-mail is only to those who need it. Let me know if you need it. -J
I contracted something at the end of the year 2013. What I contracted: no one is quite sure. It has resulted in me being in a wheelchair for the last few years. I am making strides to be in my previous state, but here I stay until that day comes. I have a second blog thingy that speaks of my hardships surrounding everything that I am going through and have gone through. Updates to that happen on the second of every month.
It is a great resource for everything local in regards to the music scene and independent art.