
Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Honorable Mentions: Indi Edition!

A name, a description, and a song. Can you tell I'm both not sure what to say and bored of this already?
To be clear, that is bored of this list, not of music.
Though: I think I will make this a list of things that you will not find easily.

There is something magical about this band. It is straight up rock, but composed by some of the best musicians ever.

From the great land of Hamilton (ew), this three piece dared to bring something different to Cambridge at a time when everyone seemed to bring the chugs. I believe they are broken up, and I know they did not go as far as I wish they did, but if you can find this album, it is so good.

THE JUNCTION -- & With This Comes Tomorrow
By far, one of the best live shows I have ever seen. Also, one of the poppiest bands I have sat through. Brilliantly tight and way too talented.

This album introduced me to technical progressions. Keep in mind, everything they ever did was with a single kick. Fuck that.

LAMBS -- SELF TITLED I used to work with Sean (the lead singer) at a music store. I also recorded his old punk band many years ago. This was quite the shock, in the best ways.
I do not own this album, but I could not find the song online.

I got this CD after my band opened for them from my friends Kevin and Mike. This CD is everything that punk should be. Except, you know, good.
Check out teir BandCamp. Free music, or do what I recommend and support them. Keep in mind, the entire set is this short. Fuck yeah.

This album is important. Everything about this album is both amazing AND loud!

the other elephant is on the ROAD

Farewell To Freeway -- Weekdays Seldom Wake To Victory
Take that, some semblance of alphabetical order, kind of! This band has a soft part of my heart because they were part of the first local show I ever saw. There is an atmosphere to this album that few have ever been able to recreate. To be fair, I do not think this band found that feel again until they released Only Time Will Tell in 2009. It came out JUST before the breakdown became a thing that ever band used, and it will forever be what I think punk can be. This short album brought me through high school and constantly reminded me that, with perseverance, a music career is possible.

If AT THE DIVE IN never broke up, and became less thrashy(?). I consider this to be one of the greatest albums ever.

This band took the ideas Metric had and made them less, Canadian maybe? Or the ideas behind U2 but performed them, less shit? I am not sure what to compare them to, but it is a very good, very short album.

That is it for these amalgamation lists. They are a lot of fun, and they are a great way to cut my work down, but I feel like I am taking a cheap way out. Please support everyone making music you love, but independent artists are working from their own financial reserves. I have done that the wrong way for years, but I have also witnessed the difficulties of those doing it right. If I do not update, have a great New Years. Otherwise, see you soon!

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Honorable Mentions (PART TWO)

I really wanted to avoid doing another one of these, but I feel as if my loyalties are better served this way from time to time. We just got through the Christmas season. I am sure there at a couple of people looking to use a gift card up. So, this list will contain things that are not too hard to find but HOLY FUCK you should own them.

Beastie Boys -- Ill Communication
This is a great example of a punk band turning their attention towards something else. Beastie Boys started as a hardcore punk band but decided to do hip hop instead. Releasing the first album in 1986 and continuing on until 2011 (when Adam Yauch died of cancer). This album has everything from straight-up rap tracks to almost-punk like parts and pieces. It also takes credit as being the first hip hop albums I review ever. This album also sits very high on my "you should really own and love" list. Yes, everything I am currently writing about is on that list, but this is very VERY high on that list, even though I'm not saying much about it.

Blink-182 -- Enema Of The State
This is one of the earliest album I have ever listened to of my own accord. This album inspired me to consider being in a band, and showed me that you can write songs just to write songs. Here's to you, Blink 182. (as much as I did not mean to rhyme, that was awesome)

Every Time I Die -- Hot Damn!
Well fuck; this album is very deserving to be on this list. It is also deserving of the intro "well fuck."

The Hives -- Tyrannosaurus Hives
This band has, I feel, been overlooked by people for FAR too long. This album is intelligent and methodical. It is also intelligent and biting. There is nothing more fun.

Hot Hot Heat -- Future Breeds
Who would have thought that the band that brought you the song "Bandages" would also bring one of the catchiest, and quite frankly, the best albums of all time? It has been four years and I HAVE LISTENED TO THIS ALBUM AT LEAST ONCE A WAKING DAY. Seriously: So good.

throw grenades instead of baby showers..

Incubus -- Make Yourself
In the list of "First ten albums I bought for myself." This album is both one of the most beautiful and brutal things I have ever heard. The guitar. The vocals. The Bass. The drums. The DJ. This album really is the best of every world ever. I have yet to find better in most regards, without being metal or showcasing someone.

A Life Once Lost -- Hunter
Probably the most cliche metal bands that I am into. They were also one of worst shows I have ever seen. This doesn't mean I don't love this album any less. I would recommend this album to any hardcore fan or metal head.

Mars Volta -- Deloused In The Comatorium
This is an album that proved, to me, that you can do what you want, when you want. I am still blown away by two facts: that this album contains both Televators and Intertiatic E.S.P., and that this band was spawn from At The Drive In. Seriously. Good Show. Good fucking Show.

Modest Mouse -- Good News For People Who Love Bad News
Easily one of the most depressing bands that have ever existed. It really seems like everything they speak of is how everything is wrong and how nothing will ever fix it. You are meaningless. Your life is meaningless. BUT HERE IS A SONG TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT BEING USELESS. This was the last album they did before the beautiful Johnny Marr (of The Smiths) joined for an album and an EP. I really do think it is a good album by this band to start with. The overall subject matter is less nihilistic. compared to everything else they have done, anyway. At least the music of the songs is happy. It is kind of sick, in a way. Depress you with lyrics to a song that catches you with a happy, quirky line. Then, BAM! Depressing lyrics everywhere.

Panic! At The Disco -- A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
I hate that I love this band so. Even more because THIS has to be one of the best albums ever written. All the circusy goodness one could ever want. I have heard that the live show surrounding this album was amazing, as well.

Friday, 12 December 2014


I was talking about this tirade of updates I am doing with my girlfriend the other day. I was stumped on whether I should do my next piece... Yeah: piece... on something everyone knows, or if I should do something a bit more obscure, or if I should do another mass update with five short reviews, to cut my list down a chunk again. I think I have come to a decision to do Ambivalence Avenue by Bibio, simply because I feel like it perfectly encapsulates a big part of my life. How I was, how I am, and how I will be again.

A few of my friends know this album best as "The CD I Was Always Playing Whenever I drove Anywhere." I listen to this album A LOT. I find it rather haunting in all the right ways. Some tracks are folk. They tend to be the tracks that more closely resemble contemporary music lyrically and they also tend to be very short. The acception is the song Lovers Cravings with its runtime coming just shy of four minutes. My personal favourite is the track Sugarette because it plays with being dub step from almost an ironic angle.

This an electro album, clean and simple. I really can't recommend this album highly enough.

Every song is great. Enjoy.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Maximo Park

Hello hello hello and blah blah blah blah blah...

HI THERE! Enough of being strange: on with the review!
This post, I want to talk about an album I have literally listened to too often for a few of my friends and my entire family.
Maximo Park || A Certain Trigger
It is a pop/rock album. I was trying to figure out some other description for it, but that is what it is. It is pop the same way The Arctic Monkey's are pop: inappropriately. The story goes as follows: There was a band. They were looking for a singer. As they were giving up, a mutual friend of theirs got fucking LOADED and started singing Bohemian Rhapsody at the bar they frequented. Later that night, or maybe the day after when he slept off the alcohol, they asked him to give it a go as front man. Fuck me sideways, it was a good choice.
There is something refreshing about his lyrics: It almost feels like there is a story being told. Nothing else really stands out, but that can be good at times. I know that I listen to a plethora of bands who all have one person at a focal point. It is nice to not have to deal with that for once.
At the end of the day, this album is host to at least one of my favourite songs. Potentially two. Not entirely sure.

(As you watch this, picture me thrashing about. That will guarantee the full experience)

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Honorable Mentions

To quote one of my favourite Maximo Park songs: "THAT'S ENOUGH! I can't take anymore..." By that, I mean I wont do all 40 reviews I had lined up. I will still do most of them, but I am going to do a quick one-line "buy this record" sort of thing. Or, links to reviews in the past.

The drumming on this album is really cool. The song writing is varied and unique. It also has some of the most inappropriate lines hidden in the madness.

I consider this one of the great video game soundtracks and one of the greatest soundscape records of all time. It could be used as a hip hop backtrack or it is just something great to put on in the background. It doesn't help that is also belongs to one of the greatest indi games ever made. I may be biased.

Great ambient electronica. Four discs worth of greatness. I really don't have the time to listen to all of this, but fuck, it is so good.

By far, one of the most technical albums that ever existed. It is my favourite that this band has produced, as well as a great time on drums. I enjoyed many hours trying to learn "Blindfolds Aside."

I feel like this may be one of the greatest electro/hip hop albums that have ever existed. Unfortunately, I no longer have this album in my library. I say unfortunately, but it's probably for the sanity of everyone around me. I would not stop playing it.

This took forever to find.

The only reason I have this album in a short review form is because I don't know how to have one opinion for such a diverse album. I can't decide whether I take this band seriously or not, but damn this album is cool.

Basically, they want to be the Smashing Pumpkins. It is okay, though, because this album is still fantastic. It has the same drive that has been missing from rock for years.

I already did this. I will say that everyone should look into this album.

80's alternative punk. Such a fantastic snapshot of the era.

That is all you get this time. I'll do a proper review next week. Until then, I wish thee farewell and much love!
Let me know some how if you have checked out an album I have written about! I would like to hear your opinion and I thrive on discussion!

Wednesday, 3 December 2014


Goddamn I love this album. I am currently listening to Control by Misery Signals. I was introduced to this band because Pat Hussey said "Are you fucked? You are a drummer and you don't know this band?!" Well, my drunk and/or stoned friend, thank you. He showed me Mirrors, which I love very much, but I picked up Control on the release date and I never looked at music the same way again.

I don't want my love for this album to be taken as misplaced. I really wish that one of my favourite albums was not metal. My goodness, I wish I did not spend days, if not weeks, trying to learn the drum line to "A Certain Death" and only gave up when my hands were raw and bleeding. My throat has been thrashed from screaming along to "Labrythnian" and I did not even care. I wore the scars I have gained from this album like a fucking trophy. I really wish that I wouldn't fanboy over this one, but damnit I can't help it.

Okay; I am done gushing and now, I will write the review part. The guitars are haunting. Even when this band is doing the obligatory early 2000's breakdown, there seems to be some level of beauty. Not to say that the album is not heavy. I think most people would be hard pressed to find a heavier album.

Note on the drums: They Are Fucking Stupid. By stupid, I mean that I an surprised that anyone could ever come up with them. They follow the guitar lines most of the time. That is not saying the guitar lines would be easy to follow, and it is far from a copout.

The song I picked to share off this album is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. It is called "Coma." Please enjoy.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Short update

I was halfway through writing this great article about how much I loved this album. Then I remembered they said most of what I was going to say in this video.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


I am sorry for the delay leading up to this post. I am actually very nervous to continue this list because every other band on this list sits VERY close to my heart. I'm at the kind of crossroad where I lay unsure about what to post for fear of not doing justice to some of what I consider to be the greatest albums ever written. This week, I will look at Thursday's album War All the Time. This band is one of those where I completely understand someone not liking them. The vocalist is terrible and something is off about every musician involved.

I personally love every minute of this album. The lyrics are horrible depressing and the music is equally crushing. There is an air of experimentation with ever strike of every chord. The drums are very simple in their orchestration and it works beautifully. The bass nimbly moves between the root and I think he may hit the fifth ever time he strays. The vocals are in key, but barely. The singer really likes to straddle the line between being on key and not. The scream on this album sounds incredible forced and harsh.

My song of choice has to be Signals In The Air. It starts with this delicate drum line that continues through the entirety of the introduction. The chorus is a crushing and full sounding cacophony of sound that has the power to bring me to tears at times. The guitar floats all over the key that this song sits in. Overall, I think this song may have the lowest number of root notes out of any song I listen to.

Every song on this album in speaking about the horrors of war. I'm sure it is a metaphor for something. Unfortunately, I do not know what that would be.

My end point is that I really feel like this album should be in everyone's collection. It is beautiful. It is broken. It is depressing as fuck. It is perfect.

I really have to thank my co-worker Megan and her boyfriend Alberto for forcing me to listen to this album over and over so I actually get through all of this.

My girlfriend reminded me I have a Tumblr. I tend to post things that have no relevance or weight on there. IF you, for whatever reason, want to read more of my writing, come check it out!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Humour Me

This could either be a great idea that spawns something great! Or it could be the worst thing I have ever thought of.

I made a playlist a couple of weeks ago containing my top favourite albums. This was regardless of genre type, or musical stylings. The end result was 4.4 days worth of music for me to listen to and spend pretty much all my time listening to it and figuring out what it means in the grand scheme of things. This is why I have not updated in a while.

I am still trying to figure out writing layouts as well as statement. The goal I have in mind is to share with those who care why I say what I do. I also want to expose albums and sounds that may not be as well advertised. These are also albums that I feel may be advertised as what they are not. Like calling Aphex Twin just electronica without going into what the Richard D. James album contains.
On That Note

This album marks my intro into the world of abstract concepts in music and orchestration. This album contains many different emotions, but the overarching feel is that of confusion and anguish. The album contains some of the most gentile piano lines and some of the harshest drum lines. It is also home to some of the most awkward displays. for example: "I would like some milk from the milkman's wife's tits." Yes. That is a thing. It is also chanted behind some of the most delicate melodies.
I tend to use this album as a background to my day to day. It may explain why my mind can feel so disorganized and draped in chaos all of the time.

For a sound review: I am not quite sure what to say. Though some of his albums hail on the heavier side, this one does not. Pieces from this would go fantastically into a period movie or something. The songs match an imagery of people waltzing. Think almost steam punk; with the random bit of electronics mixed in with period articles of clothing.
I find myself going back to this album at the strangest times for something different every time. I assume everyone knows who Aphex Twin is, by now. I keep being surprised by who people know and who they don't. Now I am rambling. Ramble ramble ramble.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

What to Do? What to Do..

I did it! I have gone through all my music I currently own to find something to review! What did I find?


So I figured I would do some sort of review on my progress.

I started this magical journey with the doctors, my friends, my family, all assuming that I died. If this were true, it would have been the most unimpressive death... After I proved I wouldn't die, they believed I would be brain dead. Then they thought I would be brain dead and have no higher brain function. I proved that wrong pretty quickly. The next "diagnosis" was that I would never move my hands or arms ever again. That took some time to disprove. Everything else was stated between November 2013 and January 2014, with life support pulled back on November 30th. I regained movement of my hands and arms in March and was told in the middle of that month that I would never walk with or without assistive devices. I am proud to say that, though with assistive devices, I am making my way forward. The other day I walked 100m without a rest. I am moving up in the assistive devices pyramid every month, with this month being the introduction of the 4-wheeled walker, otherwise known as a "rollator."

It may have been one year since I first fell over, but I am far from giving up. I have a great support system around me, and I really hope to be back to work soon. Muscle movement is coming along really quickly, for what is expected. I have all the major muscles back, at some capacity. My ankles are still angle-specific, but I finally have some motion coming back to them. Toes: There is no movement on the right side. Feeling is pretty well all back. There are certain areas where the feeling is not quite back to normal, but I can feel pretty well everything. My balance is still shit, but that is part in parcel with being in a chair for months. OH: it is also in response to the coma I found out! YAY IT'S NORMAL!

The main reason I am writing this, other than to let those who are interested in what is new and stuff, is to rant. I am trying to cut down on the self deprecating humour. I think I might be offending people. I know that I am painting a horrible picture of myself, at the very least. It is just so easy to think of ways to ridicule the situation I am in!

What I will say on the topic of music is that I have been listening to a large amount of Canadian content. Canada has a sound that doesn't seem prevalent anywhere else in the world. We do indi rock well, we do folk well, we do metal well. Why? I just think we decided to express our nationalism in our music rather than politics or army. Most bands from Canada share an overtone, or at least a timbre. If you compare Canadian songs from the 90's to Canadian songs of today, there is a certain quality that gleams through.
Of course I started typing this because my current playlist went Said The Whale, The Tea Party, then Holy Fuck. Seriously, I found what I want to say: if you do not know those three bands, check them out. They do not have many similar qualities, but they are all awesome.

I think for my next update, I'll finally fill everyone in on what I actually listen to. The answer it a bit more specific than "everything."

Saturday, 11 October 2014

One (very strange) Year

There was no way I could have predicted where this year has gone. It is exactly one year since I got home from Iceland and a few weeks before I wound up in hospital. I have gone from world explorer to a dead man to mentally with it but physically still suffering. The only good thing to come out of all of this is a reset to my life and cutting smoking sharply. Yes, I am still working on everything. I have most (almost all) of my feeling back. Mainly, I am still working on regaining muscle and stamina. It is really not fair of myself to be aiming for the physique I was in prior. Though I was not in the greatest shape, my arms were like the trunks of trees flowering for my torso. I really should just be aiming to return to a life once lost.

What I find crazy is that I still have people in my life that knew me before all of this happened, and they are still around! I respect that not everyone could be there at every stop, but Chrissy and Adam have been by my side as much as they can. I love them both very much, and I will hopefully swindle something to share out of them, soon. They are far from the only two I have to thank, though. My hat tips to everyone at the Beat Goes On. Their support has been great, and I want to make this up to them sometime soon. I also have to thank Katie Maz for being a shoulder to cry on (?) and Luka Kelly for being, well, Luka. I cannot do a thank you for every person who has been amazing, but know I love you and am floored you are still here.

I guess I should thank my girlfriend for being, you know, cool with everything. She came in a year ago next week, or something, to look for Tarantino movies at the store. We talked for a bit in the store, and a little bit online. Then I vanished. Since she was a customer, there was no communication with any friends or relatives. We did not talk, in any capacity, for seven months. I randomly messaged her and apologized back near the end of July, and she still replied! I explained my story, and she is still around somehow. I won't go on and on, though I am really tempted. I am quite smitten with her. Just know that she has made everything more manageable, and I am eternally grateful she is around.

WELL THAT WAS SOMETHING I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER WRITE! I'm sorry for the lame shit. Onto what everyone cares about; MUSIC!

Sister Amadeus - High Art
This is a local gem from 2004. I always look at it like if Pearl Jam tried to do something Radiohead influenced. Every musician is fantastic. Every note sings. It is creepy without being pretentious. The LP is catchy without being annoying. This album is the very definition of what juveniles can do when tasked with a dream. I have played a number of shows supporting this group of fine fellows and find myself entranced by there lack of effort in being amazing. They just looked like they were having great fun played songs that they poured everything they had at the time into. I wish thee good luck in finding these songs, if you are intrigued at all. I do fucking recommend it. I will go on record as saying it is one of the greatest local albums ever recorded.
Link to the song in question.

This took for fucking ever to find.

Saturday, 30 August 2014


i was going to write about two albums, but I thought I would do a recommendation list instead! Yay it is so exciting!

Team Sleep

It is the singer from Deftones being NOT metal kind of. It is emotionally heavy,but closer to new Skinny Puppy, or something else along that line. Really, it is Deftones light. So if you like the sound, but can't do the harshness, definatley an album to pick up. While you are at it, buy me one. I ripped a friends copy a few years ago. I listen to this album far too often to not own it. Plus, I am really hoping for a second one.

Title Fight :: Shed

Probably one of the most punk albums that I own. Well, minus the lyrics. Lyrics are a bit emo, but in a good "fuck everything" kind of way. I find this album to be rather intelligent in every regard. Everything feels like it is is the right place. I find it rather Godly, if I am aloud to be blunt.

Touche Amore :: Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me

Short Review
This album describes being on tour one billion ways.
Fucking buy it.

Short update today. My eyes are giving me a pile of greif. I am sorry if I spelt anything wrong and I missed it, fuck everything. Anyway, I hope to get everything looked at and I will do a real update or two,probably earlier than later.


I'm posting this without previewing it. Sorry if I fucked it up.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Home for now...

Well, I am out of institutions for a bit. Updates later. Sorry!

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Tea Party

Rolling through a common area, I over heard Walking Wounded emenating from a speaker. I used to hate that song to no end due to repetition, but it has been a while for some reason. It made me remember the 90's and all the great Canadian content that came out at that time.

Tea Party was one of those bands that remained timeless for a great deal of their career. They also got me into most styles I grew into. The album that really caught my heart was The Interzone Mantras, released back in 2001. The album was much move reserved than most other albums of the time, but it still managed to expose people to a great volume of other genres. Angel, on top of being a single, was a great pop-rock song. The Martyr and The Margareta, however, is almost Middle Eastern in it's progressions and scales. To be honest, the Middle Eastern scales repeat pretty often thought the album. It makes for a great look at the 90's alt rock scene.

Every musician on this album is amazing. Jeff Martin is fantastic in every capacity he is used. Jeff Burrows, through learning his trap riffs on this album in particular, taught me most of what I know. Stuart Chatword, as well as looking awesome during this period, will always be one of the great bassist in my mind. There is a subtle brilliants in everything that happens. It feels improvised, yet it was very apparent that everything is pre-meditated. This album is very beautiful and very important. Is this a must own? I would say no, even though it is one of my favourites. I do recommend this album to anyone who is looking to expand what they enjoy. It is quite the different experience from one song to the next.

This review was hard as fuck to write. What do you say about your favourite album when it is not all "dude... wait for the solo.. THERE! Right fucking there. That's the shit." Maybe I should stick to more punk, metal, and electronic music reviews.

Thursday, 10 July 2014


(I'm still avoiding doing that massive "you need these" albums post.)
HELLO! I have been spending my Saturday doing what I do most Saturday's I have off; I have been listening to music and reading. It has been awesome, but then I got a bit... reflective?

I was asked by an old acquaintance today if I could come and try out for his band. They are in need of a drummer and, well; I like to hit things. I started to try to figure out what I kit layout I should bring to a tryout. It also got me thinking about what I even play (from a genre standpoint). So, I started to go backwards starting with the last thing I did with The Twin.

The Twin

Inner Demons

Inner Demons was the last set of songs I wrote with The Twin. The actual writing process took about a year between November 2011 to approximately March 2012. For this album, I decided to go as minimalistic as I possibly could while still being able to play the first EP. I just used the following: kick drum with a double kick peddle, high hats, 20" ride, rack tom, floor tom and snare. This forced me to focus more on using the kit to create interesting patterns as opposed to using a multitude of cymbals to create a wall of sound. The actual writing process involved a lot of Pat handing me a riff and me playing it a billion different ways until I got the feel and flow I wanted. Most of the drum lines were not set in stone until I got into studio with Jordan and we agreed on the final hit counts. In studio, we added a second 20" ride to fill the recordings out a bit.
The general feel I went for came from my pop background instead of the metal one I usually used. I tried to use complimentary beats as opposed to trying to play as fast and heavy as possible. The exception being Live Together/Die Alone, which is just me beating the crap out of everything I had.

NOTE: Roman Candles had been recorded for almost a year before everything else and, therefore, had a china in the mix.
NOTE PART TWO: Fact or Fiction was a song that was intended for the first EP, but was cut. We accidentally played it again years later.

Dirty Dancing & Victims

These songs were meant as part of a three song mini EP that just never seemed to finish. We spent way too much time working on them and not enough time hiding them from the public. The end result was some of the drumming I am most proud of and probably will be for the time being in my career. Dirty Dancing was just an exercise I used to do with bands like The Dillinger Escape Play or Meshuggah, where I don't actually follow the drums but every single stroke of every instrument. For instance, I would make the guitar lines all hand work and the bass lines all kick drum play. What came out of me doing it over a track like Dirty Dancing sounded far more chaotic than what is actually going on. Except for the last part, which was me showing a friend of mine that you can do interesting things with only a rack tom and a floor tom. I don't think she ever realized that it was for her, but that is okay. Victims was a little more straight forward in being it was closer to a standard hardcore "follow the accents" game. This song kind of fell out of me the week we first recorded it and, other than minor flourish tweeks, it never changed. It was also the last track I ever recorded with 3 cymbals and, therefore, is full of splashy goodness. So many china hits!
These two songs were intended to be complicated on drums. The riffs were sporadic, but still dived into parts of crescendo. This allowed me the freedom to ruin myself for a part or two, then back it up with something simple. These songs on stage always left me needing a moment before we continued; the day we retired Victims, I was a very happy boy.


The first EP was one of the first times I had ever been recorded by someone else. The experience that I gained from the summer of 2009 will forever be treasured. It showed me what a shit contract looks like and what kind of people to keep watch on. I am STILL proud of the songs on this EP, even if the quality is garbage. I worked for several weeks straight with The Twin before I joined to shape the skeletons they had been working on the year prior. The sound we were going for was clear in all of our minds right up until the last day of studio. My set up for the kit back then was HUGE. Tom and such was the same, but I'm pretty sure I had 4 cymbals plus a china.
At the time I was on a huge death and nu-metal kick. Other than a couple of Underoath tracks, I had stayed away from most of the scene they were trying to enter. I came from a very violent and uneducated place. I like to pretend that this made us somewhat unique at the time. III remains as one of my proudest moments in drum writing history.

Livestalk & The Bodies Sessions

Kevin came up to me a few months after All Cut Up disbanded and asked if I would record a couple of the old tunes that he has modified. He explained how he was working with a calvalcade of different musicians from the area to come up with some new collective project with his favourite musicians. The three songs that I picked were Introduction/Slight Deduction, Pour Vous... and A Yearning (For Originality). All of these songs I had played with Kevin at a show a few months prior and still remembered most of them, so I felt like this was the best option due to time constraints and other things. We went to this shit jam hall out in Hespeler, crammed a tiny drum kick and a few microphones into the room, and gave her shit. The session went off without a hitch, but I had honestly forgotten all about it after a few months. About a year later (maybe longer), Kevin asks to meet me in a parking lot. I was not expecting myself to ever play on an album that felt that way, but I was in love with the ideas and final product. I have gushed over this album for years, and if you know me you will know just how proud I am of it, so I will stick to just my small part in this portrait.
I used the same drum kit layout I used for the Inner Demons EP, except I believe I left the double kick at home. Introduction... and Pour Vous... were both written by Kevin a year later using a sequencer (Fruity Loops?) to line up the basic drum progression he needed. I just gave parts a bit more flourish and beefed up the ending of Pour Vous. A Yearning... was an All Cut Up track that we never (?) used. There are more time signature changes than anything I have worked on previous or prior, and the accents don't always line up measure by measure. I'm not going to lie, I like to use that track to show what I am capable of as a drummer. The whole process from my side took maybe three hours and a good portion of that was catching up and seeing how life had been for my giant friend.

(4/4, 6/8, 4/4, 6/8, 4/4, 6/8, 10/8, 4/4... 7/4, 6/4)

All Cut Up

Human Promo

This was just Kevin and I recording onto tape at the Tugnut household. It was just post Caitlin deciding to leave the band, so we just covered all the parts. The EP consists of one song from our second EP, one from the first and three that were new. It showed a progression from where we were to where we were trying to get to. It was all recorded in one day and, unless I'm wrong, was mostly one take live off the floor. I actually really miss this set. I am pretty sure that we were too young for what we were coming up with.
I used so much gear back then; I think I count 5 cymbals plus high hats. The songs were all pop or punk in structure, so the writing was pretty straight forward. Flourishes were usually either a stop or blisteringly fast fills. Also, how did my feet move that fast at any time? There is NO editing to what we were playing, and I can't even pretend to be that fast for that long anymore. I don't think I could have for years at this point. Oh, me when I didn't have a job...
ALSO! I still use bits and pieces of the song Eat The Pills, Kid in other songs I have written since! Just noticed that when listening to it for the first time in forever.

Okay, fuck it. I'm done going down this road. There are three sessions you are going to be missing. The one was in 2006, when All Cut Up recorded a full length album. The other two were the first two ACU EPs and MY GOOD GOD we don't know what we are doing but it's awesome. I recorded the other three and I didn't know how compressors worked. For being in high school and listening to a strange array of music, we pulled off something pretty cool. Though I miss it most days, I hear it is better dead. Did you want to check these albums out? Let me know! Get a hold of me and I can set up stream points no problem. Hell, I think All Cut Up is still on MySpace, if you wanted to sort through the decades worth of bands that are now long dead to find us.

I'll probably do something less wordy next week. Or maybe I'll just put up pictures of cats. Internet loves cats.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Where I have been..

Hi there! It has been a very long time. How are you?

You may know, but I'm in a wheelchair for at least the time being. You may ask "isn't that a bitch?" To which my answer is yes, yes it is. I have been in hospital for eight months (since November} and I'm starting what I hope is my last stint tonight. I was in a coma for almost two months and most of January is fuzzy at best. In fact, I barley remember a large portion of Toronto. That isn't even where my story starts...

I spent some time at Cambridge Memorial, like maybe a week, then Brantford for a day, then Toronto. Apparently, I filled the ER with people, to which I say thank you to every person who showed up. I do not remember most of my early travels, but I do remember the Ripley's aquarium and having lots of visitors. I then went back to Cambridge and got lifted with a seat belt, had most of my IVs put in, changed rooms very often, and hated life.

Enough of that hell, I then went to Freeport. It was a lot better than what I was used to, plus it was a rehab. I started to get my voice back and, because of the chair I was in, I was able to wheel around the building. I got my first electric chair there, to which I had one of those for a few months. I was only at Freeport for a week and I was off to Hamilton (Hamilon, Hamilot). There, I regained my arms and most of my voice. I started walking with assistance, and I am, from the waist up anyway, very close to how I was.

So far, I have purchased K.F.O.'s (which is the proper way of saying leg braces) and a chair. The chair, ironically, is half the price of the braces. Thank someone for insurance and disability accounts. Without them, I could not afford a thing.


Just re-read my last few blogs for more information. I've been in a hole for almost a year.

Thanks for reading.
Book soon.