
Friday, 27 February 2015


Why did no one tell me that there were grammar errors in my last post?
I am so embarrassed...

I woke up today with Second Sight by Placebo in my head. It was a grand thing, seeing as I have not listened to that song in a long time. As I looked though my collection of all things Placebo, I came to remember why I loved this band and I started to think about why other people should, at least, pay attention to them.

Placebo is that band from the nineties that had that song about how a friend with weed was better and that song may or may not have been about sleeping with a girl. They created a wall of sound that a melody could be constructed from. This would have been quite the feat, seeing as they are a three piece.

They have released albums since 1996, and have only released a couple of songs in that period that I think were less than par. I really feel like they hit their stride from 1998 to 2000. That would have been from the albums Without You I'm Nothing, Black Market Music, and Sleeping With Ghosts. Without You I'm Nothing has all of the songs they got famous for, in a good way. Pure Morning is a cascade of incredibly written melodies and horribly self depreciating lyrics. Every You Every Me is interesting because it follows one guitar structure for the entire three and a half minutes and does not let up. Both of these songs are examples of the power that nineties songs could have. The rest of the album toys with Pink Floyed inspired trends and Grunge ideals

Black Market Music is interesting because it really is nothing but a bridge between two great albums. Sure! It is necessary, but really does not warrant much discussion or people might wonder what is wrong with you because you are talking about just a fucking bridge. It does feature David Bowie on a track, doing a duet. I find that rather amazing, I am not going to lie.

Sleeping with ghost is the very definition of a huge album. It opens with the instrumental Bulletproof Cupid which is very high energy and intense and does not let up. Vocally, this album spends a lot of time repeating lines and ideas. The lyrics are a lot more mature than they were on previous works.
The instrument tone on this album is strange. There seems to be a lot put into the high mid range. What is kind of nice about this mix is that you can hear the songs at a much lower volume than you could normally hear music at. The glaring downside is that the songs, at times, are piercing. Maybe that is just me? It is still a fucking good album.


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Alphabetize Your Life

What a horrible name I have concocted.
I feel like mentioning a band per letter in the alphabet for no real reason. I asked and was given a task, but I am having more trouble writing it than I thought I would. I just need a little bit to orchestrate my thoughts into something pure and streamlined.

I was shown this band by an old coworker. They are VERY pretty and VERY talented. This album can be a great background to any pre-battle. I picture armies getting ready with long swords and shields. To be clear, this band DOES NOT sound medieval. I just picture medieval warfare for some reason.

One of the heaviest albums I own. There is nothing horribly technical about it, but lyrically it causes me to shudders and fear for my life. The vocalist jumps between having a little-girl-esque-voice to screaming like a banshee. I do recommend this album for to anyone freshly out of a relationship. It just works so well.

Again, a coworker showed this to me. I hate that I love this album for how catchy it is. I really do think this short 6 song 7 track EP is all I will ever need. With that said, this short EP is in my top picks of all time. It is fun, but dark.

I WANT TO TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THIS ALBUM. It is just so weird! I do not even know where to start writing. I saw a video for a song somehow, and I fell in love. As much as I recommend most things this band has done, I always go back to this album and think "DAMN! Those are some sweet jams!" Basically, take jazz and mix it with pop. Now, throw over the most stereotypical Japanese sounding singer over everything and you are NO WHERE NEER AS AWESOME AS YOU SHOULD BE.

Remember just about where I said Battle Of Mice was the heaviest thing on this list? The End is the most chaotic. Think Dillinger Escape Plan with less apparent orchestration.

From one side of the spectrum to the other, Owen Pallett is a multi-instrumentalist from Mississauga, Ontario. Final Fantasy was the pseudonym that he used for a while before he just decided to stick with his own name. It is at least interesting to think one Canadian boy came up with every sound heard on this album.

If you follow the independent scene at all, you know this album. It has a very interesting flow and it really does feel like it is from a different decade. I always liken it to something like Steely Dan.

70's inspired punk done today! Incredibly British and incredibly grimy. Do not look too hard into this band: The fan base is mildly disappointing, to say the least.

My God it is the fastest five songs you will ever hear if you do not already know this band you are missing out they are so good oh my God and so punk it is great!

Great acoustic almost-folk. Very traditional feeling. Just nice to throw on. It also contains very poignant lyrics. I am going to drop the coworker line again, because I have to give special credit to the girl who showed me this album. It really did change the way I view the boundaries on composing music.

This album is a weird combination of jazz and electronica. Mostly instrumental and all amazing, Massive Attack is probably the closest to finding a band that fits the hole in music this band fills. They have many good albums, but this is the one I listen to the most.

(song is not from the album. Still good, though. I tried... Really I did...)


Bands like this make me wonder why anyone bothers with anything ever. Even if you do not like the frantic barage of sound, you have to aknowledge the musicianship. The lead guitar player is the lead singer, for fuck sakes.

Nu-metal from the turn of the century. I hate lumping all of it together, but "like Slipknot but not Slipknot" describes this album so well. They were of the blunt lyrics and ideas school of thought, which made their songs fun to learn to understand. It was a bit too bad that the singer would say something important then follow it up with "... FUCKING FUCK!" It kind of ruined their credibility.

I do not have an album. If you have one, please share. I saw them (him?) open for Sigur Ros a little while ago. I was blown away by the use of sounds and loops to create something beautiful. Great stage show, great sound, great ideas.

I will admit that the first time I heard ANYTHING by this band, I mistook it for a Radiohead song I did not have. I saw this band a few years ago, and I had a great time. Horribly depressing and a very oppressive sound. I will say they are amazing musicians. It was too bad that they were forced into so many name changes.

A classic album in my books. This is the second of two albums that this band had. They broke up shortly after this release in 1994. I did get to see them on a reunion tour a year or two ago. It was very good, and they looked very old. Old, but they still had it. I lost my voice from trying to screech along.

I will not even write much. If you are around my age, into heavier music and from the KW; you at least know this album.

One would thing that this would be a hard letter to choose for. The letter S has so many amazing choices. Sparta was, however, one of the main reasons I felt like doing this list because I want people to know about this album, but I never know how to point people towards it. Pretty, punky, bizzare, amazing. Those are just a few descriptors for it. I could also bring up the fact that it has one of the most powerful endings ever orchestrated. It has one of the most punishing opening songs to. GRAHHH I'M GUSHING. I think I will listen to this song for a while before I continue writing.

This is basically Deftones with a bit more electronica mixed in. Not as musically heavy, but quite the emotional roller coaster.

I just really love this album.

This band did one album ten years ago and then vanished, as far as I can tell. Quite the album, however. Interesting use of electronics and hard rock. There seemed to be an emergence of bands all trying their hand at the nineties industrial metal movement almost a decade later. This album stands out from all the crowds because the singer had such a different way of singing. the flash meant that this band never started to be horrible, which they could have become if they delayed their exit.

I have put off doing this album for much of the same reason I put off writing about the Sparta album mentioned earlier. It is so good, but I just do not know what to say. HORRIFICALLY DEPRESSING BUT MIX COUNTRY AND PUNK. That is all you will get from me.

That is a lot of X's in a line...
This band has gotten a lot of press surrounding their Coexist album. They are very good and very minimalist. I will not say much because it has all been said before.

Remember what I said about Maps & Atlases? SAME. The drums are ridiculous, when you take into account that everything is single kick. Everyone else is so incredibly on time that it almost does not seem possible. PLUS THEY ARE FROM CAMBRIDGE! Great Scott, they are fantastic.

Sixties rock today! Incredibly tight! I really can't say much more.

EVERYBODY DANCE! Now be angry. DANCE IT OFF! And repeat. Indefinately.


Friday, 13 February 2015

Final for Now.

So, like I stated last week, I will not complete my top listened to CDS. I still have about 1.3 days worth to go through, and I am ready to a change. However, I do wish to bring 3 of my favourites to the forefront.

I will try not to gush too much. These are, after all, some of my favourite albums of all time.

Way too jazzy for life at times, and always full of great crescendos, Dredg came into the world swinging. It is almost if U2 did not suck. The vocals are varied and different, the guitar is not too jangly, the bass (may he RIP) is truly the best use of bass ever, and the drums are tight as hell. The album toys with a Middle Eastern feeling and mixes it with metal.

Instrumental gold. Everything this album does is fantastic. It opens with a song that fluctuates tempo every note and ends with a finally that begs for a repeat. I picked this album up from work one day when I was feeling experimental. Since then, I have showed it to MANY of my friends because I feel like it is important. It has words without having words. It lets you experience every bit of it without telling you how to feel. It literally made me question everything I knew about life and music. It has changed my perception of sound, orchestration, and everything. I hate that I am so vague in my description and so bold at the same time. I have a very hard time explaining how much this album means to me and how much it has changed everything.

Big surprise, I know. This album combines ridiculously depressing lyrical concepts with some of the most beautiful music you will ever hear. The drumming sounds simple, but is really amazing and huge. I cannot say enough good about this album. I am listening to it right now to try to find something nice to say, but all that comes to mind is "blahhhhhh good music blahhhhhh".

Okay, I'm done talking about albums that are old as fuck now. Only things I have recently picked up and video games from now on. I hope you have not minded this voyage this venture through my musical history and library that we have just gone through.
Little reminder that I will update my other blog about what I have been through on the second day of every month. Updates here will be random, but mighty. Tumblr is full of random bull shit. Usually things and stuff. Occasionally things I probably should not put on the internet. Links to everything on the right. I'm waaaaaaay too lazy to try too find all the proper URLs right now.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Fuck It

I give up on the giant list. Do not get me wrong: I am having a lot of fun talking about albums that are close to my heart. I feel like I am ignoring other things that are pertinent to talk about because I am forcing myself to just type about one thing. It is mildly ironic.

My dad and I just finished the Marco Polo series available on Netflix. I have not done enough reading to state whether or not it is historically accurate, but it is rather enjoyable, none the less. I have heard it compared to Game of Thrones, but I disagree. I mean, there is AT LEAST half as many boobs.

I have also been playing Persona 4 in celebration for the fifth one coming out this year maybe. I have probably talked about it, so I will keep this brief. Basically, you are the new kid in a region. You make friend with the misfits on pretty much your first day. You eventually get sucked into an alternate dimension where you can control beings that fight with a great strength. I am not doing this game justice. It is amazing. Just play it. I would normally suggest it for certain people, but I really do think everyone should just try it for an hour. You will either love it, or you will not.

Yeah. I can either be found playing that, or Tetris. Seriously: I can stop playing. I am playing it on the PlayStation 3. The version is the one released 2010 on PSN. If you know what I mean, GREAT! If you do not know what I mean; GREAT!

Anyway, I started the other blog describing where I was for the last two years. I have started taking questions. If you ask me in person, I will only give a half answer. I need a bit to dwell on what I want to say, and I am too angry to say full truths in person.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Things That I Do Not Know What To Say

I really do think that I love every album I write about. My list involves the following several musical ventures.

Attack In Black -- Years (Counted By Fingertips)
When a punk band does folk. One of my favourite albums of all time. It has the classiness of folk, with the grit of punk.

Battles -- Mirrored
What is possible with music. Everything that is done on this album is wrong in the right way.

The Blood Brothers -- Crimes
The most abrasive vocal patters I can handle. The lyrics are brilliant and poignant.

Broken Bells -- Broken Bells
Old school sounding with new ideas. This is the singer of The Shins trying something fantastic and new.

Cat Power -- The Greatest
The most depressing album that you will ever find. So good.

Death Cab For Cutie -- Transatlanticism
I have great pride that I spelt the name of this album right without looking! Seriously; everyone should know this album. There is nothing inharently amazing, but I really enjoy the general groove and feeling it evokes. It also reminds me of my old co-worker, Esra. Remember that show in Toronto on the island? Stars sucked.

The Dillinger Escape Plan -- Miss Machine
I am proud to say that I can drum every song on this album. It took a lot of work, but it was so much fun.

Gang Of Four -- Entertainment
I remember finding the song Natural's Not In It at work one day. It was one of the best days of my life.

How To Destroy Angels -- How To Destroy Angels
Everything Nine Inch Nails but different enough that you can listen to it and The Fragile back to back without feeling off about it. The Space Between holds the honour of being one of my favourite songs of all time AND one of my favourite videos. Good show.

Norma Jean -- O' God, The Aftermath
One of the heaviest things I have ever listened to. Just move past the Christian overtones if you are not into that kind of thing.

Placebo -- Without You I'm Nothing
I have nothing to say about this album. It is just so fucking good, you have to listen to it, if you have not already.

Said The Whale -- Howe Sounds/Taking Abalonia
Canadiana Goodness. Seriously, this is one of the coolest albums I have ever come across. I am a sucker for any band that can randomly pull off a four part harmony in the middle of just being a boss.

Sloan -- Navy Blues

The Weakerthans -- Reconstruction Site
I have tried to write so many things about this album. It is incredibly important to the way I view life and to the person I try to be. Giant plus: It has a song about a cat asking his owner to be less of a sad-sack.

And so ends another rambling. Can you tell that I am growing bored of this playlist? Just another day of listening, and the remaining are albums I am very excited about. Enjoy your day. Thank you for reading!

Please remember to send in questions you would like answered. I have started another blog (I will have linkage soon) and I will run out of stories without having direction very soon.

Monday, 2 February 2015


As many, if not all, you have heard: I am going to post secondary in the fall for Urban Development. I am looking forward to this opportunity.

In writing news, I am thinking about starting a thing where once a month I will talk about my journey over the last year. I need help, though. I would like questions to answer. I am starting this blog because if I did, indeed, contract viral meningoencephalitis (or something like it. No one is sure), there is NO information on it and about as many survivors. I hope I can give hope, or something, and possibly create a community. Shoot me a message on social media, or e-mail me. Comments down below are also much appreciated.

I really hope this project works, and I really hope you have one or more questions that I can answer. In the event I find your question inappropriate, which is close to never, I will respond quietly on the side. I am in no way a medical professional. I'm not even a nurse. What I am is VERY stubborn. If I cannot come up with, what I consider, a satisfactory answer, I will do what I can to get the necessary information.

Sorry for the ramble. More about music (and maybe video games?) soon.