
Saturday, 26 October 2013

Longest Day in a While

I have been pretty busy lately, so I'm sorry that I've been in hiding.

This will be a short update just talking about a couple of albums worth picking up.

The new Brendan Canning album that I mentioned in my last update is pretty fantastic. Much different from his "Broken Social Scene Presents..." Album that was released a few years ago. The albums feels like it is an intentional departure from BSS and all their splendour. He keeps everything very down to earth and organic. The name of the album (you GOTS 2 CHILL), though it hurts me to look at, is a great representation of the feel you are in for. I do recommend this album on vinyl over CD.

I have been playing way too much of the new Pokemon game. Don't judge me. It is awesome.

I have started scripting out an album idea I had been playing around with. It will take me forever to finish, but I'll keep everyone posted on the progress.

My beard is getting ridiculous. It may be incredibly awesome.

Chance Procedures has been writing and experimenting lately. New stuff will hopefully be available come the early new year.

Have I mentioned that I have one of those Tumblr things? I have this habit of calling it several different names. I mostly use it when I am avoiding boring everybody with personal stuff. If you find my personal life somewhat interesting, you should follow my Tumble-Dryer! I update it every time I get sad or depressed or alone and use the publicness of it to search out for comfort. I also like posting letters to nobody and the occasional thing that Jhonen Vasquez posts.

I will leave you to your weekend now. I am currently listening to Death Cab For Cutie and trying to figure out what to do with my Saturday Evening.



P.P.S. I may at some point post pictures from Iceland, but I am ridiculously secretive about that whole adventure.

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