
Friday, 9 August 2013

O' God, The Aftershow

But not as much as I was actually expecting.

Yesterday, Luka and I went to check out the summer slaughter tour. I will start this "review" with the statement that I am NOT a festival guy. Though I like the idea of paying one price to see several of my favourite bands, I get bored. Especially something like the Summers Laughter Tour where it starts loud and just stays loud for the entire time.
I will not be going too far in depth with talking about it. I will say that Cattle Decapitation, Norma Jean, Periphery, Animals as Leaders and The Dillinger Escape Plan make for an amazing tour just them alone. In fact, if I had known when they were playing, it would have been worth the $25 to show up when that lineup started. The first bunch of bands were a grab bag of not bad to really good. Norma Jean played it safe by spending most of the set playing "O' God, The Aftermath" and "Bless the Martyr & Kiss the Child." I am not complaining: it meant I was singing along during the only band I danced in the pit for. Dillinger played a good selection and I might have blown my voice screaming along with 43% Burnt. Periphery and Cattle Decapitation were the two bands I had never seen before that night that I was most excited for. Neither band disappointed, but I feel like I may be the only person around who DOESN'T CARE about Periphery's second album.

Animals as Leaders has changed their drummer since last I saw them. I quit music forever.

Seriously! It was not even fair to watch. It did not sound or even LOOK humanly possible. Fuck.

To anyone with Steam: Add me!
I say that because I now have a mouse that is pushing me to play more online games because Left 4 Dead. Yep. Also Borderlands 2.

I did mention how I have this week off, correct? I have nothing else to mention. I will try to have a full review or something awesome for next week. Maybe I'll do an 80's thing. That would be awesome.

Reminders: I am at this on Monday. Come say hi. The 'Rents are awesome.
I have a Twitter where I bitch about things. Usually boredom related.
The comment section is a great way to yell at me for something publicly. Please feel free to do so. If it is about my grammar, I know already. If it was financially viable, I would pay for an editor.

Special Thank you to Jacob and Nate for noticing spelling errors within the first fifteen minutes of launch. For that, they get this sentence.

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