
Sunday 22 June 2014

Where I have been..

Hi there! It has been a very long time. How are you?

You may know, but I'm in a wheelchair for at least the time being. You may ask "isn't that a bitch?" To which my answer is yes, yes it is. I have been in hospital for eight months (since November} and I'm starting what I hope is my last stint tonight. I was in a coma for almost two months and most of January is fuzzy at best. In fact, I barley remember a large portion of Toronto. That isn't even where my story starts...

I spent some time at Cambridge Memorial, like maybe a week, then Brantford for a day, then Toronto. Apparently, I filled the ER with people, to which I say thank you to every person who showed up. I do not remember most of my early travels, but I do remember the Ripley's aquarium and having lots of visitors. I then went back to Cambridge and got lifted with a seat belt, had most of my IVs put in, changed rooms very often, and hated life.

Enough of that hell, I then went to Freeport. It was a lot better than what I was used to, plus it was a rehab. I started to get my voice back and, because of the chair I was in, I was able to wheel around the building. I got my first electric chair there, to which I had one of those for a few months. I was only at Freeport for a week and I was off to Hamilton (Hamilon, Hamilot). There, I regained my arms and most of my voice. I started walking with assistance, and I am, from the waist up anyway, very close to how I was.

So far, I have purchased K.F.O.'s (which is the proper way of saying leg braces) and a chair. The chair, ironically, is half the price of the braces. Thank someone for insurance and disability accounts. Without them, I could not afford a thing.


Just re-read my last few blogs for more information. I've been in a hole for almost a year.

Thanks for reading.
Book soon.