
Saturday, 30 August 2014


i was going to write about two albums, but I thought I would do a recommendation list instead! Yay it is so exciting!

Team Sleep

It is the singer from Deftones being NOT metal kind of. It is emotionally heavy,but closer to new Skinny Puppy, or something else along that line. Really, it is Deftones light. So if you like the sound, but can't do the harshness, definatley an album to pick up. While you are at it, buy me one. I ripped a friends copy a few years ago. I listen to this album far too often to not own it. Plus, I am really hoping for a second one.

Title Fight :: Shed

Probably one of the most punk albums that I own. Well, minus the lyrics. Lyrics are a bit emo, but in a good "fuck everything" kind of way. I find this album to be rather intelligent in every regard. Everything feels like it is is the right place. I find it rather Godly, if I am aloud to be blunt.

Touche Amore :: Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me

Short Review
This album describes being on tour one billion ways.
Fucking buy it.

Short update today. My eyes are giving me a pile of greif. I am sorry if I spelt anything wrong and I missed it, fuck everything. Anyway, I hope to get everything looked at and I will do a real update or two,probably earlier than later.


I'm posting this without previewing it. Sorry if I fucked it up.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Home for now...

Well, I am out of institutions for a bit. Updates later. Sorry!